Continental Focus, International Reach

New Government for STP

Friday, December 28, 2012

In November 2012 a majority of 29 representatives of the STP National Assembly (currently made up of the MLSTP/PSD, PCD, and MDFM-PCD parties) passed a vote of no confidence against the 14th Constitutional Government, which was headed by Prime Minister Patrice Trovoada.


Accordingly, a new Government was sworn in by president Manuel Pinto da Costa following consultation with the National Assembly. The new Government is headed by Prime Minister Gabriel Arcanjo Ferreira da Costa, who is assisted by a Council of Ministers made up of ten 10 ministers, as follows:


  1. Minister for Defense and Internal Affairs– Óscar Aguiar Sacramento e Sousa;
  2. Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Communities– Natália Pedro da Costa Umbelina Neto;
  3. Minister for Planning and Finances– Hélio Silva Vaz d’Almeida;
  4. Minister for Public Works, Infrastructures, the Environment and Natural Resources– Osvaldo Cravid Viegas d’Abreu;
  5. Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development– António Álvaro da Graça Dias;
  6. Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism– Demóstenes Pires dos Santos;
  7. Minister for Justice, Public Administration and State Administrative Affairs – Edite Ramos da Costa Tenjua;
  8. Minister for Health and Social Affairs– Leonel Pinto d’ Assunção Pontes;
  9. Minister for Education, Cultureand Training– Jorge Lopes Bom Jesus; and
  10. Minister for Youth and Sport– Albertino Francisco Boa Morte.