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South Africa Ready to End Fraccing Moratorium

Thursday, October 30, 2014

After a moratorium that has lasted a number of years, the search for shale gas in South Africa could begin again by mid-2016 according to the mineral resources department. The deputy director general, Mosa Mabuza, said that hydraulic fracturing could begin in as little as 12-18 months after licenses are issued.

Licenses could be issued by July or August of next year.

After a round of public consultation the government will gazette the technical regulations. Director general Thibedi Ramontja said, “[In] December this year, to January next year, we intend to finalize consultations on regulations with affected communities.”

The exploration for shale oil and gas has faced some serious opposition in South Africa and a number of exploration programs sketched out by firms like Shell and Falcon Oil and Gas were put on the back burner. Ramontja said it is necessary to revisit communities that are opposed to the fraccing process to show what has been done and to address their concerns.

After the community consultations, Ramontja said the department would focus, over the period February to June next year, on reprocessing applications to explore for shale gas. “Our intention is that by July-August next year, we will be issuing exploration licenses, beyond which the shale gas exploration shall duly commence.”