Continental Focus, International Reach

South Sudan Aiming for Production Boost

Sunday, April 7, 2019

South Sudan is targeting an over 50,000 bpd increase in oil production in the coming months. According to the country’s Minister of Petroleum, Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, the government is targeting an increase of 70,000 bpd.

Aiding South Sudan in reaching its goal will be the El Nar, El Toor, and Manga oil fields, which will resume production near the end of April.

While touring the oil fields, Gatkouth encouraged the China Petroleum Engineering and Construction Corp. to fast-track the rehabilitation process at the El-Nar and El-Toor fields in order to meet the deadline.

Having set a goal to increase its oil production to 270,000 bpd by the end of 2019, this new target will see the country’s current output rise from 160,000 bpd to 230,000 bpd in Q2.

“With 3.5 billion (barrels of) proven reserves and only 30% explored there is more to offer to serious investors,” the Minister said.